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Welcome to the Parish of West Grinstead


St. George's, West Grinstead

St. Michael and All Angels, Partridge Green

Breaking News:

NEXT SUNDAY  - 15th September

9:30 am - Sung Eucharist - St Michael's

11:00 am - Sung Eucharist - St George's

11:00 am - Worship@11 - St Michael's

Saturday, 14th September - Ride and Stride - This is a sponsored event for cyclists and walkers. Enjoy visiting some of the beautiful churches in Sussex, we will sponsor you and the proceeds are split 50-50 between Sussex Historic Churches Trust and our own parish. Please click here for more information.

Saturday, 5th October - Friends of St Michael's Barn Dance - Ticket entry only. Tickets £12 per person (to include supper) available from June Fitton 07771 358264.

Horsham Matters Food Bank - The food bank started 2022 by providing food for 347 people and ended it by feeding 1,466 adults and children in December – an illustration of how tough things have got for many. January 2023 has continued in the same vein with 788 people needing support with food. More and more of those needing help are working people, finding their salaries no longer cover both bills and food, and our support in household budgeting, debt advice and benefits checks is proving a valuable service to those now in crisis.

If you can spare an item or two, the foodbank is currently short of:

Packet Soup, Instant Mash, Instant Noodles, Jam, Marmite, Chocolate Spread and Peanut Butter, Cooking Sauces, Ketchup, Brown Sauce and Mayonnaise.


If you would like to receive our regular email updates and keep in touch with what's going on at St George's and St Michael's, please email

St. George's and St. Michael's - two very different churches with one vision - to welcome, serve, inspire and teach people of all ages. If you live in West Grinstead, Partridge Green and Dial Post these are your churches.


I am Alison Letschka. As Rector I'm here to help and I look forward to meeting you.

St. George's
West Grinstead

Our ancient Parish Church Grade 1 listed, in a beautiful and peaceful setting by the river Adur. An idyllic setting for a wedding....

Reverend Alison Letschka
01403 713196

Parish Safeguarding Officer
Karen Adams
(see contact us page)
St. Michael's
Partridge Green

The church in the heart of Partridge Green, since 1890 worshipping and praying with all ages. We support village organisations and host community events. We continue to build a close relationship with Jolesfield School.

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